Zattana is another hero in which on the Villain's side you may have to defeat (eventually you always will). She does however pop up a few times in the game to defeat her (i.e Raven/Trigon missions). This time we're going to souly look at defeating her when Zattana is protecting Eclipso and trying to stop you from releasing him.
First you must kill all of the magic foot soldiers to even get to eclipso to release him whilst also releasing Night Walkers all over the place. After eliminating all enemies in certain rooms you can pass and progress forward towards the chamber in which Eclipso is held prisoner. After releasing Eclipso you get a cut scene blah blah blah, and then Zattana appears out of no where to save the day! Which is what you're there to prevent. Zattana has no real brain work involved to defeat her, just keep knocking her down with weapons and super powers. What you do need to watch out for is her teleporting. There is unfortunately a glitch where she teleports onto the roof where you cannot get to her nor can she you and she will not teleport again. This means you need to warp to rally point or quit the game and start the whole thing again (warping takes less effort). So refrain from going on the roof or flying up too high to heal (only place you can get far enough away from her to heal is the roof unfortunately) and make sure you are well equipped with Sodas.
After eventually knocking Zattana out of the game (for a little while) she will then summon Etrigan the demon. He is somewhat harder than Zattana in defeating as he is a demon, but none the less an opponent able of defeat. Close combat is not recommended but necessary in small doses as it kills faster than most ranged attacks. Etrigans attention will be focused on Eclipso for most of the time he's living so take advantage of that and get some close face to face combat going on. After he is eventually defeated, Zattana will return to try and finish you and Eclipso off.
Defeating Zattana is easy with just knocking her down here and there and using multiple combo moves. Don't forget you can dodge and block as well. Just again make sure not to go on the roof and save your sodas for when you need them. After eventually defeating Zattana you then speak with Eclipso and then you get Etrigans poetic cut scene.
Congratulations, you just kicked Zattanas ass.
SIDE MISSION: Remember to do the side missions to level up faster in the DC Universe
The 'Side Mission' in releasing Eclipso is a bit hidden but easy as anything once you begin it. There are book cases all over the building, a few of them are destroyable. The first one has a blue ring around it thus beginning the side mission. Circe will call you naughty and then tell you to destroy the rest as the book cases hold books that collect magic for the Sentinels.
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