Saturday, February 19, 2011


Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about DC Universe Online...

Are there any cheats for DC Universe Online and where can I find them?
Okay, for a starters it's an MMO, there is not and never have been cheats for any MMO in existence that I know of. Rest assured there are no cheats on DC Universe Online, and if you need the cheats to play or progress in the game you should probably get a friend to help or read all the topics on this blog.

Why do higher players keep killing me?
Higher players have had this done to them and it continues on in a life cycle sort of thing. They also get experience from it. If you're playing in a PVP world and don't want to get 'pwned' like a 'noob' then you made the wrong choice in world. Go for a PVE world next time you create a character. These are the risks you take in a PVP game.

How do I stop higher level people from killing me?
You can't, they just will. Fight back and heal.

Can you change you're clothes in the game after initially creating the character?
Yes you have the ability to do so by adding different armor and clothes you collect during the game or there is the full collection of clothing items sold by the vendors in the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower. Word of caution though, changing your clothes will change your stats and changing the colour pallet is easy too. In the start menu in the STYLE tab, you can easily switch to colors by pressing certain buttons. You can also change your hair style in the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower.

Is changing sides from hero to villain possible in the game?

Is changing super powers possible in the game?
No but you can however reset the power points and skill points you gain from leveling up that you've spent in either the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower.

How do I defeat new heroes/villains as a bounty hunter?
By finding them and defeating them...duh. And no, camping noobs does not count towards those missions.

Feel free to ask me any other questions about the game on this post, I'd be more than happy to get back to you as soon as possible.

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