Saturday, February 19, 2011

Game Review

Hello, I am The V. If you know me by other names, well good for you.

I have bought the game titled DC Universe Online™ and have played it on the Playstation 3™ console. My rating for this game is a top notch five stars. Many have said that DCUO™ is a copy of World Of Warcraft and just a cheap imitation using superheroes and supervillains, others have said that DCUO is WOW's equal (not the same) and could be a very high competitor for the famous MMO.

The game is a very fun and exhilarating experience. For many years man has dreamed of flying over cities and this game allows man to fulfill that dream. Along with the dream of being able to run up walls and run very fast or even jump high and far whilst doing flips all depending on what movement powers you choose. Then having the ability to control fire and burst an enemy into flames instantly is supreme. Or freezing someone instantly into a ball of ice then picking them up and smashing them to bits. Or perhaps you'd rather control plants and nature to twist and twine around your foes like snakes squeezing them till death or piercing right through. If you prefer mind over matter you are able to use telekinesis to lift your opponents into the air and throw mental razor discs to slice and dice your enemies. And last but definitely not least you can use the powers of magic to your will, blast your opponents with magical energy to stun them, destroy them and obliterate them all. Or perhaps you just feel like shooting a magical ball of power their way it is entirely up to you.

The graphics are high and low at different points, but for an online game where thousands of people play you can't expect the best of the best. But that's not to say the graphics aren't amazing themselves, textures, shadows and flashes are all brilliantly rendered in the DC Universe. I give the graphics alone a rating of four and half stars.

The gameplay is long and continuously interesting so it never gets boring. You have a range of different weapons to use and can change them at any time once reached the appropriate level. And the developers have promised that what is there now is not all there is to come so we can be rest assured that there will be more amazement to come.

The V gives this game a high 5 Star rating mainly because it's just plain awesome and recommends you play it whether you have to subscribe or not (you do).

Enjoy playing DC Universe Online, it really is an experience all gamers should have.

Defeating Batman at GCPD Ball

Now before you read any further into this, it's a bit of a spoiler, just warning you.

With The Joker as your mentor you can imagine that the Joker wants you to help him defeat ole Batsy himself. And if that's your conclusion then you're quite right. It can be a lot harder than just beating him up though (unlike other boss characters in the game) he just won't leave you alone. Sure Joker's there to help but he gets distracted by a few of Batman's heroic antics as he shorts out gas bomb fuses and traps The Joker in a force field sphere. So you keep dying, eventually all your weapons/armor breaks and you have to go to a Safehouse, fix it all and then go back to the hotel and start all over again. It's just an annoying cycle if you don't know what to do.

To beat the Bat you have to do a few things instead of just pounding into him. After a few good blows to the head (or where ever) Batsy drops a device which you hear The Joker shout "Grab the DEVICE! Quick!" Once you manage to pick that up, Joker comes back into action and helps beat up Batman again. A few more knocks here and there and then Bat Brain capture the Joker. Beat up Batman some more and he will eventually drop another device to pick up which frees The Joker. Bash the Bat some more and Joker runs off allowing Harley to pick up some pieces and you to beat the living snot out of Batman. This is the last time his health replenishes to knock him dead!

So here's a few helpful hints, tips and no stupid link tips that send you to other pages who just show you more links.

Tip #1
Don't go straight into the ballroom where Batman and The Joker are waiting. If not already used, take some of the canisters up in the previous room down to where the showdown is happening. Don't go all the way in, just drop em in there. That'll give you a head start with some health, frost and laughing gas. Use them wisely though, if you die they don't come back.

Tip #2
Use a lot of ranged attacks against The Batman, depending on your level when you go to defeat him you can lose a lot of health very fast.

Tip #3
Try not to use your super powers unless absolutely necessary. It doesn't regenerate and neither does your health (excluding certain parts of the battle)

Tip #4
When the Batman drops the first device, grab it straight away as fast as you can, if you notice he pauses a bit. If you're not quick enough and you miss the opportunity then go over to Joker near the hostages, wait for Batman to be distracted by Joker and then collect the device. (Caution: If the device isn't picked up before it expires you instantly die, so be quick about it).

Tip #5
When Batman has Joker trapped in the sphere, run like crazy! This is one of the two opportunities you get to regenerate your health in this part of the mission. Batman will stay with Joker and taunt him for a bit (whilst Joker does the same) leaving you a huge gap to get as far from him as possible (down the sides is recommended), wait for your Health and Super Power bars to regenerate. Batman's health will have regenerated as well, but if you're a too lower level you'd be thankful for the regeneration, otherwise you'll have no chance.

Tip #6
You have the ability to block and dodge attacks. Use it and use it good.

Tip #7
Let The Joker do a lot but not all the work, he can only do so much and can in fact die. When Harley comes into it, same concept.

Tip #8
Do not quit. As frustrating as it is, just beat him. It is a lot more frustrating coming back to the hotel and beating the crap out of all the Cops and Detectives and then have to deal with Batman all over again.

Tip #9
If it is too hard and you have to quit cause you're on the verge of a mental break down, or smashing your PS3/Computer then quit. But don't smash your console. Play the game, level up and come back to beating up Batsy when it'll be so much easier.

Have fun Bashing the Bat. Open to questions and comments, feel free.


Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about DC Universe Online...

Are there any cheats for DC Universe Online and where can I find them?
Okay, for a starters it's an MMO, there is not and never have been cheats for any MMO in existence that I know of. Rest assured there are no cheats on DC Universe Online, and if you need the cheats to play or progress in the game you should probably get a friend to help or read all the topics on this blog.

Why do higher players keep killing me?
Higher players have had this done to them and it continues on in a life cycle sort of thing. They also get experience from it. If you're playing in a PVP world and don't want to get 'pwned' like a 'noob' then you made the wrong choice in world. Go for a PVE world next time you create a character. These are the risks you take in a PVP game.

How do I stop higher level people from killing me?
You can't, they just will. Fight back and heal.

Can you change you're clothes in the game after initially creating the character?
Yes you have the ability to do so by adding different armor and clothes you collect during the game or there is the full collection of clothing items sold by the vendors in the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower. Word of caution though, changing your clothes will change your stats and changing the colour pallet is easy too. In the start menu in the STYLE tab, you can easily switch to colors by pressing certain buttons. You can also change your hair style in the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower.

Is changing sides from hero to villain possible in the game?

Is changing super powers possible in the game?
No but you can however reset the power points and skill points you gain from leveling up that you've spent in either the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower.

How do I defeat new heroes/villains as a bounty hunter?
By finding them and defeating them...duh. And no, camping noobs does not count towards those missions.

Feel free to ask me any other questions about the game on this post, I'd be more than happy to get back to you as soon as possible.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Leveling Up Fast

Despite what everyone else says there is a way to level up fast in DCUO other than no way at all. Unfortunately it is only slightly quicker, there is no training or any other such methods. In both cities Metropolis and Gotham there are side missions almost to every main mission and there is always either a cop or a thug around to beat up (depending whether you're a villain or hero). All of this gives you experience thus leveling you up.

Side missions are a very easy way to level up in DCUO. They give you between 300-500 experience points once the mission is complete and they are usually very easy. A lot of them run along side of main missions appointed to you by a mentor (hence side mission) which also makes it a quick and easy process. If you're not sure what the hell a side mission is well I'll tell you. The glowing blue light (not the races) are generally people such as Police Officers, Mobsters, Clowns and just plain weirdos looking for help. Any blue light near a night club or police station isn't a side mission, only a race. So don't over look the side missions, they will help in the long run.

Just doing the main mission is also one of the easiest ways to level up fast. Of course eventually you finish all the main missions and then what? You're stuck right? Wrong, you can go back to the buildings where you fought boss characters and fight them again. If you have leveled up already from finishing main missions then the bosses will be a lot easier than the first time.

Beating up cops/thugs/weirdos gives you at least 1-6 points of experience if you're not doing a mission involving them. Since they respawn every minute or so this is a very easy way to level up. Only downside is it will take ages to level up since they give such low experience points. So how is this helpful? Don't just stay in the area and beat down on AI (artificial intelligence), if ever passing through or you see one somewhere don't hesitate to beat the crap out of it.

Now depending whether you're on a PVP world or not this next tip may or may not apply. In the On Duty menu of the start bar there are PVP areas. These give you no experience other than Legend Experience which is useless unless wanting to buy legends from a Vendor in either the Hall of Doom or Watch Tower. But the Alerts however that you get during the game (missions) give you experience as well which means once again leveling up faster. You do need to que in line for them, but that takes no time at all when you're playing the game. It is worth it.

Of course if you wish to be a player nobody likes, you can always go kill lower level Superheroes/Supervillains  which also gives you experience between 10-50. Not recommended but that's the risk you take in a PVP world. If you don't want this happening to you play in a PVE area. Just not really as fun to play to some opinions.

Enjoy playing and tell me what you think of my tips or if I missed any out, tell me and I'll add them. Have fun becoming the next legend.